My pharmacy on social networks: which one to choose?
Why choose? Each social network has its own interests, its own audience, its own tone. It's up to you to understand and adapt.
My pharmacy on Facebook
It's clearly been a must-have for your pharmacy for many years now. Facebook is the social network with the most users in France. You'll find customers and patients of all ages... Yes, even the very old are now on Facebook! Not least to keep in touch with loved ones. The idea behind Facebook is to recapture the atmosphere of your counter on the web. Put a human face back on the relationship with your patients. Showcase the pharmacy team, your specialties and new products. But also your services, especially if you offer online services for pharmacies. In short, your social network pharmacy starts on Facebook.
My pharmacy on Instagram
Often thought of as the social network for young people, it's not quite as simple as that. With over 20 million active users in France, Instagram is becoming increasingly multi-generational! Many of them are young parents, a not inconsiderable audience for a pharmacy. The aim here is to offer beautiful images in photos or videos... But don't necessarily be too polished either. Be natural, human, real. That's what pharmacy on social networks is all about!
My pharmacy on Twitter
We don't always think about it when we talk about social networks, but twitter is an interesting medium. And it has an audience that's often loyal and responsive. You'll find patients and customers who are often connected, and who are likely to be interested in your online services.
My pharmacy on TikTok
Don't know this one? It's the latest arrival, but already has several million users in France. Based on videos, often humorous or with a rather fun tone, TikTok is also accessible for your pharmacy. And it's not just young people! In fact, many parents have joined in to accompany their children... So you'll find your audience.
What should I post on social networks?
That's the big question, isn't it? We answered part of it above... But the most important thing is to be true. Be spontaneous and sincere in the content you distribute. Don't focus on products and how you can sell them. If you're a healthcare provider, for example, you can share public health information. If you're a local shopkeeper, you can share information about festivities in your town, neighborhood or shopping center.
Above all, remember to let the pharmacy know that you're active on these networks. Don't hesitate to put up a sign at the counter indicating that you can be followed on this or that social network!
Finally, think about interacting with your audience. Your pharmacy's communication on social networks is a two-way street. It's important to respond to comments and private messages.
How about improving your social networking skills? Contact us!