Price as a criterion for pharmacy e-commerce success
Product pricing is obviously an important criterion for success in e-commerce. Indeed, pharmacies, like any other retailer wishing to sell online, are in direct competition with many sellers. E-tailers who, thanks to their online model, are often able to offer very attractive prices. But pharmacies can also offer competitive prices, thanks to the volume of orders they receive... and the privileged relationship they have with the laboratories. So it's not unusual for a pharmacy to be more competitive than an e-commerce giant in parapharmacy, beauty and cosmetics. That's why it's a good idea to go online! But you still need the right E-Commerce tool for your pharmacy!
E-Commerce website for pharmacies
Once a pharmacy has identified that it can compete on the web... it's time to work on the site. In addition to the visual aspect, optimized for the user experience, there is above all the question of the product catalog. ITEKPHARMA provides its partner pharmacies with a database of several thousand parapharmacy products. Better still, the technology developed by ITEKPHARMA enables pharmacists to match their in-store product database with that of their website. This is the link between the LGO and the pharmacy website. Prices and stocks are automatically updated, so there's no need to duplicate management work.
This is the strength of the technology developed by ITEKPHARMA for pharmacists. The ability to link the profession of dispensing pharmacist with that of e-merchant, by offering e-commerce for pharmacies. And the success stories are already numerous, with pharmacies achieving sales of several million euros a year thanks to their E-commerce sites. As a result, over the years ITEKPHARMA has become the trusted partner of pharmacists for E-Commerce website development.
Organization and logistics
The last important point for a pharmacy embarking on E-Commerce is logistics. A well-oiled organization ensures a smooth order flow... and satisfied customers! That's why, before launching an E-Commerce project for a pharmacy, it's important to make sure you have the time, inclination and resources to take care of it. Order preparation requires space and available staff. After-sales service also requires time and availability. Not to mention site marketing: promotion, news... All this requires time, organization and sometimes a certain expertise.
With our many years of experience, we know how to support pharmacists in their digital projects. Contact us to make your E-Commerce a success!
Your pharmacy can also be on the web, without having to do E-Commerce shipping... In particular, it can offer online services such asonline prescription or Click&Collect.