Inbound Marketing Strategy for Pharmacies

Attract and retain customers with inbound marketing

Inbound marketing is a real strategy for attracting prospects and developing sales on your pharmacy e-commerce site. Inbound marketing can be summed up in 4 words: Attract - Convert - Sell - Retain

Attract new customers with inbound marketing and marketing automation

Inbound marketing is a real strategy for attracting prospects and developing sales on your pharmacy e-commerce site.
Inbound marketing can be summed up in 4 words:

  • Attract
  • Convert
  • Sell
  • Build loyalty

SEO and inbound marketing, complementary actions

There's only one way to convince: targeted content that interests the reader! If your content isn't adapted to your persona, the marketing action will be useless.
A long-tail keyword may be less sought-after, but it may generate more conversions.
The first step is to determine your persona, analyze search intent and optimize content.

The newsletter, an effective loyalty tool

An Internet user who subscribes to a newsletter has shown an interest in your company. It's up to you to create a bond with this prospect by providing them with interesting information at regular intervals.
If the newsletter is relevant to your persona, it's highly likely that they'll visit your website after reading it.
More traffic, more opportunities to trigger a purchase!

To achieve a high conversion rate from your newsletter, there are a few rules to follow.
It's essential to keep the newsletter's subject line short and attractive, to make readers want to read on.
Newsletter content must be adapted and optimized for your target audience, so that readers find it interesting to read (main subject, images, videos).
The judicious integration of "call to action" buttons should redirect your prospect to your website.
As cell phone use has become more widespread, it's vital that newsletters are read in a way that's both pleasant and appropriate.

Newsletters: an essential web marketing tool!

Social networks, an integral part of inbound marketing

It would be a shame not to use social networks as part of your inbound marketing strategy.
By broadcasting content, you automatically generate leads.
Acquiring quality contacts increases your chances of selling.
Social media (SMO), a digital acquisition lever for a wider audience.
Find out more.

Marketing automation

Automating certain marketing actions, such as sending newsletters or posting on social networks, is proving extremely interesting.
We're on schedule, so there's no risk of forgetting!
This saves your staff time and simplifies their work.
Marketing automation also has the advantage of providing valuable analysis tools for adjusting your digital communications if necessary.
A dashboard brings all the data together. The return on investment (ROI) determines the profitability of each action.

The advantages of outsourcing your inbound marketing

Like any business, your pharmacy is subject to intense work peaks due to several factors:

  • busy summer and winter tourist seasons, depending on your location
  • recruitment problems that lead to overwork for your existing staff
  • absence of certain members of your team due to sick leave, pregnancy, a sick child, an accident, paid leave, time off work, etc.

These factors can destabilize the marketing strategy in place. Communication stops or spaces out.
The prospect is surprised and loses interest in your news.
To avoid this kind of situation, outsource your inbound marketing (newsletter, social network publications) to our teams.
There's no more risk of forgetting!

Inbound marketing, a proven methodology for attracting, converting, selling and building loyalty.
Itekpharma, your communication partner!

Dispensaries - Groups - Laboratories

TURN-KEY solutions

Itekpharma provides connected pharmacies with a catalog of 10,000 parapharmacy products and 4,000 non-prescription medicines. Added value for your pharmacy.
The user experience is at the heart of every one of our projects. Site architecture, ease of navigation, download speed and relevant content are the elements that must not be neglected to achieve a good user experience.
To get your online pharmacy ranking higher on search engines, our SEO consultants apply the precise rules of content optimization. Increase traffic and sales for your online pharmacy.
A Click & Collect service to reach new customers and develop your sales of medicines and pharmaceutical products. Follow the trend and offer your customers this new service!
The LGO gateways developed by Itekpharma are compatible with most pharmacy software. LGO gateways simplify your day-to-day catalog management!
The user experience is at the heart of every one of our projects. Site architecture, ease of navigation, download speed and relevant content are the elements that must not be neglected to achieve a good user experience.

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Itekpharma is a brand of the Itekcom group

A forerunner in e-health since 2005, Itekcom, the 360° healthcare digital agency, will support you at every stage of your project, from website creation to web marketing.

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